Welcome to Buyelectric.com your electrical E-store. If we look around we are surrounded by many things which illuminate our life with happiness electrical products are one of them we buyelectric with the vision to bring ease in electrical shopping of a common man we have added wide range of electrical products in our basket. Our aim is to bridge the gap between Market and Consumer with Best quality product rite prices affordable services at your door step . You can now understand, find, compare and get exactly what suits you and your home & Industry the best with our simplified and relevant technical data. Electrical shopping was never this easy before. We want you to feel the comfort of one stop solution with any time anywhere order option for all your electrical needs. Click it and get it at your door step as simple as that.
Address: Green House 152 Gidc Makarpura
Vadodara Https://www.buyelectric.com/ India
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/346186/buyelectric.html
G. S. Electronics Private Limited
We are engaged in manufacturing electronic components, fuse holders chassis mounting, fuse holders panel mounting, fuse holders screw type panel mounting, terminal strips, spring clips, shell fragment, flat clips, fastening piece, manganese steel clips, metal clips, clips, terminal blocks, etc.
Address: E- 69, Industrial Estate, Phase- 8
Mohali Punjab India 160071
Phone:+(91)-(172)-4653069 / 5096069
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/278818/g-s-electronics-private-limited.html
Sanghi Yantra Udyog, Modinagar
Manufacturers and suppliers of electrical switch gears, electrical products, electrical switch gears components, power electrical components, power switch gears. electrical switch gears and power electrical components.
Address: Street N 5, Bhupendrapuri, Opp. Railway Station
Modinagar Uttar Pradesh India 201204
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/138842/sanghi-yantra-udyog-modinagar.html
We are leading manufacturer trader & exporter equipment manpower supply.
Address: 61, Trikon Park
Kolkata India
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/279442/resorce-manpower-solution.html
Galvanic Info Tech Private Limited, Noida
We are leading supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer of electric items, pstn dialer, power supply, gsm dialer, car mobile charger car alarm, micro controller based security systems, burglar alarm systems and also offering services of software and hardware development services, etc.
Address: D - 116, Sector - 10
Noida Uttar Pradesh India 201301
Phone:+(91)-9811698222/ 9873084515
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/278833/galvanic-info-tech-private-limited-noida.html