OBD adapter and OBDII scanner
Address: Longhua Street, Longhua District
Shenzhen Guangdong China 41000
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/415126/shenzhen-autodiag-tech.html
AutoscanOBD is a proprietorship company of Car Scanners, operating under the vigilance of Mr. Mohammed Salim, since 2009. Offering a large range of Bluetooth Scanner, Vehicle Car Scanners, Multi Car Scanner, Original Launch Battery System Tester, Auto Key Programmer and Tablet Key Programmer. All these are sourced from the reputed vendors of the market who are selected on the basis of their financial stability, goodwill, ability to deliver urgent and bulk orders and multiple delivery modes. We have a team of proficient personnel who undertake smooth and streamlined logistic activities. Every activity, from procurement of goods till their on-time dispatch in desired quantities, is performed with utmost precision. All the consignments are delivered to clients within committed time frames and complete satisfaction is a reward of our efforts.
Address: Soorya Corner-18,english Curch Road,palakkad-678001
Cochin Kerala India
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/357272/autoscanobd.html
Pphitop Technology Hk Co., Ltd
Manufacturing and exporting of diagnostic tool, code reader, code scanner, obd2 scanner, auto scanner, vehicle monitor, video scope, auto reset tool, contactor, camera, inverter, etc.
Address: P5, 3rd Floor, Shangfu Building, Dengliang Road, Nanshan District
Shenzhen Guangdong China 518054
Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/261760/pphitop-technology-hk-co-ltd.html