Organic Based Stabilizer,Barium Stearate Suppliers

About Us
Lumega Industries formed by a group of technocrats having a vast experience in the field of Metallic Stearate. Manufacturing facility in India, having well equipped testing and applications laboratory. At Lumega Industries., we operate a total quality approach product development and manufacture.  Quality assurance starts with raw material selection and follows the product until it reaches the customers hands. The consistently high quality of our products is guaranteed by means of rigorous checks on all raw / packaging materials and by in-process and end-product controls by adopting stringent in - house standards using the most modern analytic techniques. Quality Assurance Department routinely conducts audits of production staff to assure product quality and compliance. Continuous improvement in manufacturing processes and quality assurance methods and the desire to develop stable, quality and innovative products is proactively pursued. As embraced by our top management the philosophy of Total Quality Management has resulted in numerous quality initiates that assure continuous process of improvement in all our activities. Liquid Pvc Stabilizer,Metallic Stearates Manufacturers

Contact Us

Contact: Mr. Ramesh Mehendale
Address: 8k Sharda Ashram, Bhawani Shankar Road, Dadar West, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 028, India
Mobile: +(91)-9820963816
Phone: +(91)-(22)-24221384
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