Vedic Astrology Consultants
We provides services of astrology services, vastu services, kundali, daily horoscope, birth predictions, numerology report, baby names, astrology software, gemstone analysis.

Indian Astrology
We provides services of astrology services, vastu services, kundali, daily horoscope, birth predictions, numerology report, baby names, astrology software, gemstone analysis.

Indian Astrology Online
We provides services of astrology services, vastu services, kundali, daily horoscope, birth predictions, numerology report, baby names, astrology software, gemstone analysis.

Astrological Services
Astrological services like career report, numerology report, birth predictions, love match.

Mobile Panchang & Rahukal
We provide Mobile Panchang & Rahukal
Windows Mobile Softwares (Developed), also for Android and Ipad
Also developed software for :
Mobile Kundali
Mobile Panchang & Rahukal
Gandmool Check
Numerology Analysis & Name Setting
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