Home Product Yellow Pages Scientific, Measuring, Laboratory Instruments & Supplies - Platelate Incubator
We are one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of dairy equipments, laboratory instruments, laboratory glassware, laboratory chemicals, milk tester, milk can, fat testing machine, laboratory autoclave, water bath, laboratory incubator, water bath incubator shaker.
Goswami Group Of Company
Ghaziabad, India
Panchsheel Colony, Chippiyana Road, Lal Kuan
Star Supplier
We are leading manufacturers, exporters and marketers of high quality laboratory instruments and scientific equipment, accurate platelet agitator, automatic donor chair, bio safety cabinets, blood bag tube sealer, blood collection monitor, freezer, laminar air flow cabinet, platelate incubator, platelet agitator, thawing bath, blood bank equipment
Labtop Instruments Pvt Ltd.
Mumbai, India
Labtop House, Plot No. 59, Opposite Amarson, Waliv Phata, Sativali Road, Vasai (east) District
Star Supplier
We are leading manufacturer and exporter of laboratory research and scientific equipment, laboratory microscopes, laboratory plastic wares, swimming pool chemicals, maths lab, human models, geographical apparatus.
Metropolitan Scientific Company
Delhi, India
108-abc Complex, Veer Sarvarkar Block, Shakarpur
Star Supplier
We are manufacture trader & exporter of electrical components autoclave, bacteriological incubator, blood bank refrigerator, bod incubator, climatic chamber / environmental test chamber, cloud and pour point apparatus, constant temperature bath, deep freezer / sub-zero treatment chamber up to -80oc / ultra low temp.
Tarun Scientific Instruments
Chennai, India
1269, Annai Indira Gandhi Street, Pappanchattiram
Star Supplier
We are leading manufacturer and supplier of scientific lab instruments like digital incubator, tray ovens etc.
Matri Instruments & Chemicals (p) Ltd
Pondicherry, India
B-3, 4 Industrial Estate, Mettupalayam, Pondicherry - 605 009,
Star Supplier
Labtop delivers india's leading manufacturers, exporters and marketers of high quality laboratory instruments and scientific equipment, labtop delivers, blood bank refrigerated centrifuges, blood bag tube sealer, blood bank refrigerator, blood bank scale, blood collection monitor, blood donor couch, plasma expressor, plasma freezer, plasma thawing
Labtop Instruments
Thane, India
Labtop House, Plot No. 59, Opposite Amarson, Near Ipol,walive Phata Sativali, Vasai East
Star Supplier
Dealers and retailers of scientific equipment, science laboratory equipment microscope, balances, steam engine, laboratory testing equipment that includes circulating bath, magnetic stirrer, laboratory shakers, laboratory freezer, laboratory oven along with blood bank refrigerators, blood bag tube sealer, blood collection monitor and bacteriologica
Accurate Scientific Instruments
Thane, India
A/04, Anand Mangal Industrial Estate, Survey No.70/b, Sativali Road, Valiv Phata, Vasai (east), Dist. Thane -401208
Star Supplier
Manufacturer of Laboratory equipment, physics lab, biology lab ,math lab ,chemistry lab ,science lab, laboratory testing equipment, Laboratory Glassware, Laboratory equipment suppliers, lab equipment manufacturers, general laboratory equipment manufacturers, laboratory equipment wholesale, laboratory equipment wholesalers, laboratory equipment, lab
Ambala Cantt, India
1101/1,gyan Marg,behind S.d Public School,ambala Cantt
Star Supplier
We are leading manufacturer of laboratory equipments, pharmaceuticals instruments, industrial equipments, cashew equipments, laboratory oven, laboratory incubators, etc.
Quality Instruments & Equipments
Mumbai, India
Gala No. 2, Amin Compound, Khan Estate, Sonawala Cross, Lane No. 2, Goregaon East
Star Supplier
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We are leading manufacturer and exporter of analytica water purification systems, ultra plus water purification systems, non refrigerated incubator, thermo mixer-centrifuge, ultrafilteration modules, ultrasonic processor, water chilling-circulator.
We are manufacturers of scientific and laboratory equipment\'s as we specialize in laminar flow cabinets, biosafety cabinet and clamp, clean air instruments, pan box, incubator and incubator shaker.
We are a new emerging face in field of medical, surgical, pharmacy, science and engineering laboratory equipment. We are a marketing unit for various well established manufacturers in INDIA who have already supplied so many projects across the globe. Now, our principle are aiming to capture the market directly, therefore, they emerged a new face wh
We are the leading manufacturer of scientific instruments india such as laboratory autoclave, hot air oven, incubator, vacuum oven, water bath, water testing equipments, cooling instruments, and all other instruments used in laboratories, hospitals, universities, etc.
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