Latest Companies for Leather bags, purses, wallets & cases in Beijing

  • Leather Bags, Purses, Wallets & Cases

    Retailers, exporters and suppliers of handmade leather wallets, slimline leather wallets, credit card wallets, leather key wallets, leather fashion bag, trifold wallets, leather traveling bags, leather shopping bags, leather briefcase, leather card holder, leather mobile cover.

    Beijing Shangpin Craftwork
    Beijing, China
    Rm3-402 No.71 Yard, Majiapu, Yangqiao, Fengtai District 100086
    Star Supplier


  • Leather Bags, Purses, Wallets & Cases

    Manfuacturer and exporters of handbags, wallets, belts, etc.

    Beijing Feili Company Limited
    Beijing, China
    No. 308 Fatou Chaoyang Dis. Beijing
    Star Supplier


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