Latest Companies for Home furnishings, home textiles and home decor accessories in Huzhou
Wholesale supplier and producer of glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, mosaics, stone inlays, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, floor medallions, sculptures.
Exporting, supplying and manufacturing of wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions, sculptures, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks.
Anji Jingta Office Furniture Factory
Huzhou, China
Yushanwu Village, Dipu Town, Anji County, 313300
Star Supplier
Involved in exporting and supplying of flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions, sculptures, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes.
Anji Huashun Chairs Co., Ltd
Huzhou, China
3block, Sunshine Industry Zone, Anji County, Zhejiang Province, 313300
Star Supplier
Manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of green laminate surface boards, glass mirror, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions, sculptures, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, institutional furniture, office workstations, carpets.
Anji Modern Furniture Co., Limited
Huzhou, China
Swivel Chair Industrial Park, Dipu-town, Anji County, 313300
Star Supplier
Suppliers, exporters and retailer of fountains, landscapes, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions, sculptures, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture.
Involved in exporting and supplying of flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions, sculptures, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes.
Anji Yuming Furniture Co., Ltd.
Huzhou, China
Anji Sunshine Industrial Park Ii, Zhejiang Province,313301
Star Supplier
Retailers, exporters and suppliers of sculptures, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions.
Anji Lvhzhou Bamoo Industry Co. Ltd.
Huzhou, China
Fantan Industry Zone, Anji County, 313300
Star Supplier
Dealer, suppliers and exporters of floor medallions, sculptures, institutional furniture, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, mosaics, stone inlays, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, green laminate surface boards.
Dealer, suppliers and exporters of floor medallions, sculptures, institutional furniture, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, mosaics, stone inlays, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, green laminate surface boards.
Anji Zhong Yi Ka Bei Long Chairs Co.,ltd
Huzhou, China
Guo Tai Chair City, Anji County, Zhejiang Province 313300
Star Supplier
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Retailers, exporters and suppliers of sculptures, institutional furniture, green laminate surface boards, wooden furniture, carved wooden furniture, hand crafted furniture, fountains, landscapes, glass mirror, office workstations, carpets, flooring, designer sofas, slotted angle racks, mosaics, stone inlays, floor medallions.
Aiji Jiulong Furniture Co., Ltd.
Huzhou, China
Tianzihu Industrial Park, Anji Country313309
Star Supplier
Exporting, supplying and manufacturing of office wooden tables, adjustable chairs, computer chairs, computer office chairs, limestone, granite, marble, sandstone, plywood furniture, wooden decorative, deep freezer components, wrought iron stool, iron coffee table, office wooden furniture, decorative wooden furniture.
Creative Bamboo Industrial Co.,ltd.
Huzhou, China
4th Fl. B. Fucheng Commercial Bldg.,313000
Star Supplier
Positive Plastics Pvt Ltd
Plastic & Plastic Products
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