Latest Companies for Chemicals, fertilizers, dyes & allied products in Jiading
Retailers, exporters and suppliers of epoxy tile adhesives, acrylic synthetic adhesives, paper adhesives, corrugated paper gums, synthetic adhesives, adhesive chemicals, rubber adhesives, textile adhesive, automotive adhesives, tape adhesives, glass adhesive, cone adhesives, monomers, gasket adhesives, sealant tape.
Exporting, supplying and manufacturing of rubber adhesives, textile adhesive, glass adhesive, paper adhesives, corrugated paper gums, synthetic adhesives, adhesive chemicals, monomers, epoxy tile adhesives, acrylic synthetic adhesives, automotive adhesives, tape adhesives, gasket adhesives, sealant tape, cone adhesives.
Shanghai Zhong Fan Shockproof Material Co. Ltd.
Jiading, China
No. A/108, Wangjialong, Malu, 201801
Star Supplier
Manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of polyvinyl acetate emulsion, methyl unsubtle ketone, alcohol, Montanan alcohol, octagonal alcohol, apologizing, citrus pectin, coyer pectin, pectin, alcohols, aldehyde s, esters, essential oils, acetone, diatonic alcohol, isotropy alcohol, manganese citrate, alcohol solution.
Shanghai Zhong-linag Oil And Fat Chemical Co., Ltd.
Jiading, China
No. 792, Chungui Road, Huangdu Town, Jiading - 201804
Star Supplier
Exporter and manufacturer of Environmental Catalysts, Oxidation Catalysts, Fluid Cracking Catalysts, Pollution Control Catalysts, Hydrocarbons Treatment Catalysts, Polymeric Catalysts, Hydrocarbonylation Catalysts, Polymerization Catalysts, Hydrogenation Catalysts, Polyolefin Catalysts, Nickel Catalyst Catalysts.
Trunett Environmental Tech. Co. Limited
Jiading, China
63-e, No. 1985 Xinfeng Road, Nanqiao Town, Shanghai
Star Supplier
Involved in exporting and supplying of ferrous sulphate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulphate, satyric acid, zinc chloride, sodium sulphate, sodium meta-bi sulphate, zinc oxide, zinc chloride powder, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride powder, magnesium chloride flakes.
Prolific Engineers
Shear Fatigue Tester
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