Home Product Yellow Pages Automobiles, Spare Parts and Accessories - Brake Rotor
We are leading manufacturer of rotor machining, milling centres, centre lathes, radial drilling machines, vertical boring machines, horizontal boring machines, shapers, long thread milling machines etc.
We are manufacturing trader & exporter rotational mould machine, roto moulding machine, rotational molding machines.
Rotational Mould
Ahmedabad, India
Plot No. 3725, Phase-iv, G.i.d.c., Vatva Indusrial Estate, Ahmedabad Gujarat India
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We are manufacturing all types of machinery parts like shaft, ring, bush, housing, rotor, gear, gear box, worm wheel, worm shaft, timing pulley, chain sprocket, bevel gears & sub assembly.
Rushika Engineering Works
-1, India
Plot No : 575, Gidc, Manjusar, Savli, Dist: Vadodara
Star Supplier
We expertise to manufacture different types of sheet metal components like electrical stampings, submersible motor stampings, alternator parts, Sheet metal stamping, die cast rotors, pressure dies that are extensively used in alternators, automobiles and electric motors of alternator fans.
Rajvin Electrical Stampings Pvt.
Pune, India
Survey No. 18/17, Nanded Phata, Sinhgad Road
Star Supplier
Kalra Tours & Hotels Inc., Delhi
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