Over time, independent consultants have become a necessity for the identification
of Financial Planning, Financial Investment and Management Problems and providing
the solutions that are needed for individuals as well as emerging international
Pooja Investments are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to take on the
Management challenges thrown by this new era of technological and communications
advancement and our country's new economic policies. Our services includes :
Our services includes :
Financial Planning Services
Financial Planning is Event Based such as Education, 2 wheeler & 4 wheeler
Ownership, Marriage, Home Ownership, Retirement, and Death. What is needed when?
"Nation leaves 11% of its Elderly alone" "30.2% households have
at least one elderly person." "65% of Indians are unaware of retirement
plans." "Only 6% have consciously planned for pension after retirement".
The above headlines in News Bulletins scream about Retirement Planning Solutions.
provides the answers.
"One out of 10 families are headed by women." "64% labourers
retire due to failing health."
The above headlines speak of proper event planning before and after retirement.
Life Insurance: We Suggest you the most suitable
life time insurance for you.
Investment Advice
We help you find ways to remain afloat through inflation and various financial
conditions. Your personalized financial plan creates your short-term and long-term
investment profile and creates a path for you to follow with our guidance.
Our investment spectrum covers Saving Accounts, Fixed Deposits at Banks and
Companies, Life & Health Insurance, Annuities, National Savings Plan, Kisan
Patrika, Mutual Funds, PPF, EPF, Pension Plans, Unit Linked Investments, Stocks
and Bonds, Various Derivatives and Options, Income Tax Deduction (TDS), and
Reviews to minimize the Tax Return.
Management Services
We work as agents of change, as catalysts and multipliers; we aspire to spread
new ideas, new knowledge, and new skills through your company's environment.
Your staff is heavily involved in the process through interviews for identifying
problems, training and problem solving sessions.
We assist management structures in recognizing trends and help them adjust approaches,
techniques and structures to create and follow the new direction. We adapt to
your own established techniques, if they are applicable to your needs.
Mr. V.P. Aggarwal has knowledge and experience in various fields of: Management
Consulting; Management Training & Development; Systems Training; People
Interface with Automation; Project Management, Consulting & Liaison.
Pooja Investments
C-42, Dwarka Sadan,
Flat No - 8, Ist Floor, Middle Circle,
Near Odean Cinema, Connaught Place,
New Delhi - 110001
Tel No. - 66303178, 32933545
Mob. No. - 9350207457
Email : investment_pooja@rediffmail.com