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Electrical power engineering reference & applications handbook is a 5 part comprehensive guide to all aspects of electrical engineering, power engineering, electrical machines theory, performance & applications etc.

Website: http://www.electricalengineering-book.com

Manufacturer and exporter of children related books such as management books, science books, computer books, engineering books, medical books, mathematics books.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/62475/e-india-books.html

G. R. Bathla & Sons is one of the leading educational publishers of India for 10+2 science text books as well as for Engineering and Medical Entrance Examinations, focusing mainly on physics, chemistry (Physical, Inorganic & Organic), Mathematics and Biology (Zoology & Botany).

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/138849/g.r.-bathla-sons.html

Scribebee provides a wider platform to share your imagination with other.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/377134/scribebee.html

LBP UGC NET English is providing study material for English Literature for UGC NET/SET ( JRF/LS) for upcoming exam. Printed Study Material : 25000 MCQ’s. Weekly Online test and Mock test. Book Cost : 5000 Rs for 15 volumes.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/377487/laxmi-book-publication.html

Robotic Process Automation Course Training Centre-rnd Trainings. We provide the best training for robotic process automation. The RND training faculty clearly and briefly explain by RPA blue prism and automation anywhere course. The faculty has very dedicated their work process and student motivated coaching will be given in RND training institute.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/374710/robotic-process-automation-course-rnd-trainings-.html

‘Re- Imagining Indigenous Medical Traditions in Travancore’ is a research endeavour to comprehend and map the fundamental premises on which the Indian system of Medicine was anchored. The Indian System of Medicine had been all encompassing and Universal in its philosophical precepts and practices not withstanding its regional particularities. The myriad facets of the discipline have transcended boundaries of geography and human intellect weaving a syncretic and synthetic tapestry of medical know

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/378259/zorbabooks.com.html

Password for classes 8 is a book for primary and middle school, introducing students to Computers and the world of electronic data processing. This series strictly confirms to the latest guidelines Laid down by National Curriculum Framework.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/341975/genius-kidz-publications.html

We have all types of Higher & Top Management Books, Computers & It programming books @ best price.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/365170/ik-international-books-publishing-house-pvt-ltd.html

International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering is a peer-reviewed, monthly, online international research journal.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/358902/ijste-journal.html

IIT JEE Video lectures, study material and all India test series available in online, usb and tab. Get previous year IIT JEE paper solutions, question paper, study planner, expert tips, time management and more.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/356812/plancess-edusolutions-pvt.-ltd..html

Our unique professional editing service packages and educational resources have helped over 151,000 authors across 161 countries to get published in high-impact factor journals as well as understand best publication practices.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/360025/editage.html

Vision Tech is one of the leading e Publishing company based in US. We offer end to end epublishing,typesetting and localization services at the best price.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/375585/vision-tech.html

we offer CA IPCC,CA Final,GST,CA Practice books for students,professional with best selling authors across the country.Get free shipping and flat 20% discount for every books.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/373451/right-choice-books.html

This book on "Business Research Methods" is written according to the revised MBA syllabus of University of Pune (2013 pattern), in language that makes it easy even for those students without any exposure to research methodology to understand. Care has been taken to introduce students to basic concepts and make them understand the practical application of the research concepts in business and industry. Examples, illustrations, learning objectives, MCQs and previous university question pap

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/346544/vishwakarma-publications.html

offset printers in gurgaon

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/369416/printitt.html

Book of poem on yoga and meditation

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/372622/all-here.html

Importers and buyers of education, management, computers related books, journals, magazines.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/53265/adaman-associates-international.html

Dealers of e-commerce books, marketing books and books on mobile.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/56096/art-of-retail-management.html

Manufacturers & exporters of educational books eductional CD & DVDs.

Website: https://www.eindiabusiness.com/company/58373/bizaway-multimedia.html


Electrical Engineering Book
Sakal News Paper Limited
Navrang Indutries
Infomedia 18 Limited
Delhi Book Company
First and Second e.com Pvt.Ltd
Vimal Agencies
Shri Krishna Industries
vishwakarma publications
Shiv Shakti Printers
The Choprasi
Srividya Printers
HPC Publishers Distributors P.
Balaji Print House
NJ Gurukul
Elbee Marketing
R & R Books Distributors
Genius kidz Publications
Learn Skills Today - India
TMH Shop
Om Xpress Print Pack Private L
HSN Enterprises
Jawahar Book Center
Akash Publication
First Sign Books
Horizon Interventional Private
Ra Marketing
Printell Automationâ 
Vision Tech
Kantawala Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
Maria Ink
Laxmi Book Publication
Strawberry Stop
Sameer Computer Graphics
Vidya Prakashan Mandir Limited
Celex Industries Limited
Sheth Publishing House
Prashant Book Distributors
Art of Retail Management
International Agencies
Web Point
Back To Godhead
Vishwas Techno Publication
All Here
Haymarket Sac Publishing (indi
Ratna Publications
Nips Packaging Private Limited
E - India Books
Excel Process Private Limited
Kinnari Printing Technologies
Progressive Enterprise
Dumore Gauging Systems Private
Kumon St Marys
Jayavarad Graphics
Deepa Exports
Kiran Society
Bizaway Multimedia
Utkarsh Overseas
Ig Media Co. Ltd.
Multi Print Advertising
Right choice books
S. V. Graphics
The National Book Depot Regd.
Vishal Information Technologie
IJSTE Journal
Priya Enterprises, Delhi
Imagine Networks
Swarashree Arts
Super Creative Graphic Service
Buzzing Stock Publishing House
Fun- Ed Publications
Srinivasa Publications Private
E-Universal Incor.
Vindhya Process Solutions
Inside Fashion
Samarth Traders
Sona Enterprises, Delhi
Adaman Associates Internationa
Gold Printing Group Limited
Excel Printers Private Limited
Electro Ginting
Vijay Sales & Services
Dream World Creation
Goel Printers
Ranvir Books
Plancess EduSolutions Pvt. Ltd
Pranjali Technologies
Asapp Media Private Limited
G. K. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
See India
Repro India Limited
Colour Vision
Professional Thesis,Dissertati
Vertex Solutions
IK International Books Publish
Total Quality Management Consu
Reesha Books International
Shree Swami Samarth Printer
Citizen Scale India Private Li
MTG Learning media Pvt.Ltd.
Future Create Info Service
Indo European Machinery Co. Pr
Anitha Art Printers
New Graphic
Swamy & Co.
Robotic Process Automation Cou
Hitech Graphics
Om Sriganpati Educational Serv
Gazelle Enterprise
Ciess Texaux Speciality Chemic
M. S. Images Publication Priva
Niyogi Offset Pvt. Ltd.
Trinity Printers Corporation
J. K. Prints
Independent Publishers Private
G.R. Bathla & Sons
Creative Offsets
Magna Graphics (india) Limited
Stanart Print Pvt. Ltd.